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Find How We Can Help You in fire Prevention

Our Fire Department provides the highest level of emergency response. Fire Fighter are excellence in every form of fire prevent in life safe.


Fire Prevention

Fire Fighters are dedicated to saving people life.

Ambulance Service

Fire Fighters are dedicated to saving people life.

Rescue Services

Fire Fighters are dedicated to saving people life.

What We Do

Fire Fighter Security Service

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What Client say about

They saved my life in terrible fire emergency and these Fighter can’t take a money for this work, they can do this for there profession. I has been very thankful to this guys.

Striven Smith

CEO of Digicop

I have only great word for this people. These people are always help for fire emergency situation at on time and they don’t think about there life is safe or not.Thank you guys.

Elena Rusconi


The firefighters are always save the people life in any dangerous fire situation. They are prepared for any emergency on time for people life is safe. These guys are very great.

James Bond


Reason To Choose Us

Why People are Choose Us?

Fire Fighter are always ready to save the people Life.


Fire Alarmss


Fire Stations


Family Saved

Give you full service for prevention, fire suppression and incident manage, get response and recovery of emergency situation.

Give you full service for prevention, fire suppression and incident manage, get response and recovery of emergency situation.

Give you full service for prevention, fire suppression and incident manage, get response and recovery of emergency situation.

Give you full service for prevention, fire suppression and incident manage, get response and recovery of emergency situation.

The best fire watch security guard business in Los Angeles

These days, one of the most crucial things that any firm needs is a fire watch security service. Devastation can result from fire accidents. Therefore, any fire, no matter how tiny, must be located and extinguished right away to prevent further damage. A survey revealed that businesses that experienced significant fire incidents lacked fire watch security services. The truth is that ordinary security personnel lack the expertise needed to recognize possible fire hazards. Additionally, they lack proficiency in using fire safety equipment. Installing fire safety equipment such as sprinklers, extinguishers, and alarms is only one aspect of fire watch security services; there is much more to it.

Using specially trained security guards whose primary goal is to spot any fire hazards is part of the fire watch security service. Therefore, it is imperative that your company have a fire watch security service facility.

Fire Watch Security Service: What is it?

Fire watch security guards are highly qualified security professionals who have the to identify potential fire hazards and take appropriate precautions to keep them from happening. Professional fire watch security guards are typically trained in crowd control in addition to fire drills. When there is a fire, they are skilled at managing nervous individuals. Additionally, they receive training in rapid decision-making, first responder awareness, and other topics.

As a result, the guards are quite proficient in handling emergency situations in addition to identifying fire hazards. Therefore, it is vitally important to have BSIS certified fire watch security guards in order to eradicate fire hazards from your establishment or property. Now let’s examine the responsibilities of security guards on fire watch:

Validation: Professional fire watch security guards‘ primary responsibility is to make sure that all fire safety equipment installed on the property or organization is in good working order and accessible in an emergency. They inspect fire extinguishers, sprinklers, and alarms as part of their usual verification. If they discover any equipment that isn’t working, they take the required actions right away to replace or repair it as quickly as they can.

Eliminate the risk of fire: Throughout their shifts, professional fire watch security guards are extremely watchful to remove any possible fire hazards from the assigned area. They promptly remove any suspicious or combustible objects that could result in fire incidents. In order to reduce the likelihood of arson, they also closely monitor any questionable persons. Professional security guards on fire watch are able to detect fire risks and are very responsive. They receive extremely effective training.

Crowd control management and evacuation: Another crucial skill that fire watch security guards possess is the ability to handle crowds during emergencies. They take the initiative to carry out the evacuation procedure efficiently in addition to making sure that the people don’t panic.

Getting in touch with the fire department: It’s critical to realize that security officers on fire watch are not firefighters. As security guards, their goal is to stop fire incidents from happening. It is their duty to notify the fire department as soon as they become aware that the fire is becoming unmanageable.

The truth is that not every security guard on fire watch is well qualified to offer complete fire protection.

For this reason, it’s crucial that you exclusively work with Access Patrol Services (APS), – the best fire watch security guard business in Los Angeles.
For over 26 years, APS has provided excellent fire watch security protection to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Because of its accurate fire watch security solutions, APS is recognized as the best fire watch security guard business in Los Angeles. The organization has a vast amount of experience because it has been in the industry for so long. Additionally, all of the company’s guards are certified by BSIS.

Additionally, the organization offers a variety of training programs, such as fire drills, power drills, crowd control management, rapid-decision-making, first responder awareness, and more.  These trainings help the guards to stay active. The truth is that APS is aware that guards may lose their current skills if they do not receive ongoing training. Thus, training programs are organized for the guards on a regular basis.
APS is a security guard firm that is very process-driven. Therefore, the company dispatches its security professionals to inspect the selected site and identify all the crucial spots in order to deliver an exact fire watch security solution.

After this procedure is finished, a thorough fire watch security plan is created, and fire watch security guards are stationed at the location in accordance with the plan. For complete fire protection, a combination of patrolling and fixed security guards are stationed at the location.
APS provides complete customization possibilities to its customer since for APS  customer satisfaction is their main priority. As a result, the user can add or remove security elements to suit their needs and preferences. Moreover, a facility for short-term contracts is also offered to the clients.

Therefore, APS is the finest choice if you’re searching for the best fire watch security guard business in Los Angeles that provides complete protection against fire threats. Only BSIS certified security guards are offered to the clients.

Dedicated Fire Watch Security Services, Call 866-770-0004

Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 with questions about security guard fire protection duties and responsibilities in California and Arizona or click on apsfirewatchsecurity.com/contact . A representative will contact you immediately.