
Construction Site Fire Protection

Construction site fires cause over $300 million in property damage a year according to the National Fire Protection Association. Electrical malfunctions, heat sources too close to combustibles and unsafe cutting and welding are the primary causes. Arson accounts for one in every 10 construction site fires. A fire on a construction site can halt the job for months and add significantly to the cost of the project.

Our guards are trained to spot and report potential fire hazards to construction management. Guards continually check and document fire protection systems during the construction phase so the fire department can issue a Certificate of Occupancy once the job is completed.

APS guards provide around-the-clock protection. They look for trespassers who might steal equipment and supplies, vandalize or who are intent on committing arson.

APS provides construction site security for large and small jobs throughout California and Arizona. Our guards are trained, licensed and bonded. They receive annual continuing education training in fire protection and prevention. They are the security eyes and ears of the job site, helping construction management complete the project on time and on budget.

Dedicated Fire Watch Security Services, Call 866-770-0004

Contact Access Patrol Services at 866-770-0004 with questions about security guard fire protection duties and responsibilities in California and Arizona or click on . A representative will contact you immediately.

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